Reproduction prints have been created from many of the watercolors and Acrylic paintings shown on this site, and are offered for sale. These reproductions are known as Giclee Prints. Notice the print in the photo on the right side
of this page. It was made by a professional printer on heavy Archival paper called Fine Art Bright White. The image impressed is created from a professional photograqh of the original painting or drawing. The original Acrylic painting for this print is shown in the photo on the left. After shooting, the digital image is ink-jet printed with archival inks. All the prints available on this Web Site are on 26”x 21” paper, unless the original art is smaller. Then the image size is the same as the original art.
Black, white and gray reproductions are usually $150., while color repros are $200. or $250.,
depending on the art. This print shown is with the addition of a matte, and glass in a frame. These are additional costs not included when you buy a print, but can be furnished if you do not want to handle this yourself. If you want a bigger print size, this can be done if the original art is at least that big, such as many of the larger acrylic paintings. For any of these additions, you would have to CONTACT Nancy by e-mail to find the exact price and size.
These reproductions are offered to those who do not wish to spend the amount quoted for original art, but still want a very close facsimile. The Giclee process can satisfy this need, for the colors are exceptional, and Nancy is very picky! Another option is printing on canvas. These prices will range from $200. to $350. Try any of these options. You won’t be disappointed.